About Kate

I am enough.

I am messy. I am loud. I am dramatic. I am strong. I am capable. I am good at lots and suck at probably more. I love French fries, fuzzy animals, my family, God and couch socks..

Hi, I’m Kate. Wife, sister, daughter and Aunt Kate.
Certified Wellness Coach
Certified Nutrition Coach
Group Fitness Instructor
SHiNE Dance Fitness Instructor
UPLIFT Instructor

And this place is for us. Yes, you. Come exactly as you are because you are enough, too. And if you don’t feel like enough, come anyway until you are able to see what the rest of us see - we’ve got you.

I didn't grow up dancing.

I didn't know what to expect

when I walked into my first

dance fitness class

But on that day something changed. I - quite literally - stumbled into something I guess I lost along the way.

There she was: A radiant, confident and resilient version of myself. That day, I reintroduced myself to… myself.

When I realized the power of dance fitness, RECHARGE Wellness became a personal mission to solve a personal problem.

I wanted to dance, of course, but what I wanted more was a space where people could feel safe to be themselves and connect.

There’s a special kind of magic when you
find your people.

And because it’s so personal for me, you can show up knowing I will lead every interaction with my whole ass heart 😘

You absolutely belong with us at RECHARGE Wellness.