Reconnect. Reclaim. RECHARGE.

Ready to Unplug and Recharge Your Wellness?

At Recharge Wellness you can prioritize your well-being with SHiNE Dance Fitness, UPLIFT Strength Training, wellness resources, and connection events to refresh and motivate you.

What We Do

  • Dance Fitness

    SHiNE Dance Fitness classes conducted by Kate. These high-energy and every level accessible classes combine dance, cardio, and strength training to provide an unforgettable experience while encouraging self-expression and body positivity.

  • Strength Training

    UPLIFT classes conducted by Kate. Hype music, intentional movement, these strength-training routines are the perfect balance of effective and HELLA FUN.

  • RECHARGE Connection Events

    Held throughout the year to enhance social connections and create memorable experiences. These events may include themed parties, workshops, guest speaker sessions, outdoor activities, or visits to local establishments

  • Wellness Content

    Content covering a wide range of topics including nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, self-care, stress management, and personal development. Members will have access to articles, videos and resources that provide guidance, inspiration, and practical strategies for improving overall well-being and confidence.

  • Community Volunteering

    Local is where we live. Local is where we thrive together. We offer joint promotions, sponsorships, and participate in charity events to serve our community.

“Kate is a bright shining light everyone needs in their life! She is a rare human gem that you just want to be around all the time. She was born with the ability to dance without ANY training but also encourages you to move your own way and brings a level of joy and energy that isn’t always easy to find in group workout classes”

-Stephanie C.